Saturday, September 5, 2009

Millenium Park in Chicago

Millenium Park in Chicago might be considered the crown jewel of the parks and green spaces that intertwine with the urban city landscape. I was blown away at the flowing drifts of native plants and perfectly placed ornamentals. Intimate garden spaces emerge around every corner. Being there transports you from city to prairie in a matter of seconds...even if the city is still just a backdrop away.

First Picture is of Eryngium yuccifolium, or Rattlesnake Master, with various prairie plants...Echinacea sp., Amsonia sp., and many many grasses.
The second picture is Agastache...likely Acapulco Salmon & Pink, cultivar name is 'Kiegabi'

This Calmagrostis 'Karl Forester' in the background combined beautifully with the pinkish-purple flowers of Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe'.

The city through the "trees". Unidentified Pancium sp.

Chicago Pictures & The Field Museum

Chicago has so many was hard to choose where we would spend our one free afternoon, but we decided on the Field Museum after getting a recomendation to check out the Underground Adventure exhibit on display...these pictures do not do the exhibit was so dark my camera only picked up on the bright educational displays, but was a great primer on the soil food web for kids of all ages 8-80.

I just LOVED this combination of Phormium (New Zealand Flax) and the Erogrostis (Love Grass). Really brought out the blue in the Phormium!

The totem pole was so cool....I only wish I could have seen the relief artwork at the top of the pole! Binoculars next time!

Chicago in July

Where did August go! We attended the Independent Garden Center Show in Chicago at the Navy Pier for the second year in a row at the end of July. This show is one of the best places to see all the new garden gear ready to hit garden centers next spring. We launched our new trade show look with our burlap banner and potting shed display. Let us know what you think!