Millenium Park in Chicago might be considered the crown jewel of the parks and green spaces that intertwine with the urban city landscape. I was blown away at the flowing drifts of native plants and perfectly placed ornamentals. Intimate garden spaces emerge around every corner. Being there transports you from city to prairie in a matter of seconds...even if the city is still just a backdrop away.
First Picture is of Eryngium yuccifolium, or Rattlesnake Master, with various prairie plants...Echinacea sp., Amsonia sp., and many many grasses.
First Picture is of Eryngium yuccifolium, or Rattlesnake Master, with various prairie plants...Echinacea sp., Amsonia sp., and many many grasses.
The second picture is Agastache...likely Acapulco Salmon & Pink, cultivar name is 'Kiegabi'
This Calmagrostis 'Karl Forester' in the background combined beautifully with the pinkish-purple flowers of Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe'.